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Adoption : What Joseph of Nazareth Can Teach Us about This Countercultural Choice read online ebook DOC, FB2, MOBI


Adoption is more than charity. It's spiritual warfare. Joseph of Nazareth was a good and honorable man. The adoptive father of Jesus, he stood by his wife and raised her son--even when it appeared that she had betrayed him. Such is the love of adoption. But such love stands in stark contrast to what we see in our world today: on-demand abortion, unreported abuse, and widespread neglect. Adapted from Russell Moore's influential book, Adopted for Life: The Priority of Adoption for Christian Families and Churches, this short volume calls Christians to seriously consider adoption for their own families and thus take a stand for children--born and unborn., Looking to Joseph's adoption of Jesus as a model, this short book encourages readers to view adoption as a way to protect children--born and unborn--from the injustices of abortion, abuse, and neglect. Adapted from Adopted for Life., The Bible depicts Joseph of Nazareth as a good and honorable man. The adoptive father of Jesus, he stood by his wife when it appeared that she had betrayed him, raising Jesus as his own son. In doing so, Joseph provided all Christians with a beautiful picture of what fatherhood is meant to look like: steadfast, loving, protective. But such love stands in stark contrast to what we see in our world today: on-demand abortion, unreported abuse, and widespread neglect. Calling Christians to take a stand for children--born and unborn--this short booklet, adapted from Adopted for Life, makes a passionate plea for Christians to view adoption as a way to value and protect every human life.

Adoption : What Joseph of Nazareth Can Teach Us about This Countercultural Choice by Russell D. Moore in TXT, MOBI, EPUB

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